When the Underwriters Call You

Recently, my husband and I visited with our insurance agent, and filled out the forms that are required in order for us to apply for life insurance. We were told to expect a phone call from an underwriter, who will ask each of us some health questions. Today, the underwriter called. Our insurance agent told us that the phone call was nothing to be worried about. She said it was best to answer everything with a simple “yes” or “no”, and to be truthful. There was no need to go into a long story about a particular health topic. Just … Continue reading

One Step Closer to Having Life Insurance

As of today, my husband and I are one step closer to having life insurance. We were able to meet with our insurance agent, and get some things started. The paperwork is complete, but there are more steps we need to submit to before everything is finished. So, I suppose I could say that we are in “life insurance limbo” at the moment. Previously, our insurance agent gave us a bunch of paperwork with details about what their life insurance policies would cost us, and what they cover. After looking at everything, my husband and I decided that this was … Continue reading